
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Education for Generation E

Great post by Andrew Revkin at the Dot Earth blog at NYT earlier in the week. He writes:
I can’t keep track of what young people are being called these days after a string of “Generation [ ]” labels. But my vote would be Generation E, for energy and the environment, if initiatives at a host of schools around the United States are any indication. I’ve heard more than a few sociologists and historians opine that we’re essentially going to have to grow past our fossil fuel norms and into a new relationship with energy in which environmental considerations are integrated seamlessly into how people make choices related to energy. Maybe this is starting to happen among those who will inherit the consequences of energy decisions being made (or not made) today?
This is exactly the kind of hopeful note that I want to start my new blog with! Go read the article for details on various school programs around the country. There is a lot of useful information in the 200+ comments there too.